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The Healthy Recipe

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest…
A blue pumpkin, generally only found at Fall Farmers Markets

At the Fall Market: Squash, Apples and Blue Pumpkins?

The rich colors of autumn are captured in the gorgeous produce that is available at fall farmers markets across the country. Delicious fruits and vegetables such as pumpkins, squash, apples, pears, plums, corn and sweet potatoes are coming into season.

Do You Lie about Your Health Habits?

Do You Lie about Your Health Habits?

Are people truthful when it comes to disclosing health information?

10 Reasons You Are Overeating

10 Reasons You Are Overeating

Controlling what you eat is not impossible, and becomes easier when you understand some of the reasons behind overeating. Keep these common reasons in mind, and you will have better control of your healthy diet!

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