by Ingredient

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Scallops on Fennel

Eating at high-end restaurants on a regular basis can be just as detrimental to your health as eating at fast-food restaurants.

According to an article by Jill Stark at, doctors at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute of Melbourne, Australia have noticed a disturbing increase in the occurrences of diabetes among young businessmen in their forties with no family history this disease.

Doctors at the Baker Institute link this recent rise in type 2 diabetes diagnosis with the poor lifestyle choices that these businessmen are reporting. Type 2 diabetes is often caused by obesity and an unhealthy diet. These businessmen are telling the doctors that their obesity is due to eating business lunches at high-end restaurants 3-4 times a week and then sitting behind their desks all day.

Doctor Cohen of the Baker Institute says that the food served at high-end restaurants can be just as high in salt, sugar and fat as the food served at fast-food chains.

The problem lies in the rich sauces and cheeses that are served with the meal, along with the fat and salt that are used to prepare the dishes that so many crave, especially at French and Italian restaurants.

If eating business lunches multiple times a week is unavoidable, here are a few tips for making healthier choices at high-end restaurants:

• Skip the dessert course.

• Drink mineral water instead of wine or other calorie-laden beverages.

• Order higher proteins and lower-fat dishes, like salmon, without the rich sauces.

• Avoid carbohydrates like risotto and pasta. While these dishes are fine in moderation, restaurants often use them as a vehicle for butter and cheese. Instead, enjoy your meal with a fresh salad or steamed vegetables.

• Ask questions about how the food is prepared.

• At other meal times, prepare healthy dishes at home to achieve a balanced diet.
